- What is your asking price? 你要求的薪水是多少?
- What is your favorite television program? 你最喜爱的电视节目是什么?
- What is your relationship to the victim? 你是受害者的什么人?
- What is your name? My name is Sue. 你叫什么名字?我的名字叫苏。
- What is your age? May I ask your age? 你的出生日是?
- What is your name? Then ask me how can I call you? 首先他问我?
- What is your attitude towards the question? 你对这个问题的态度如何?
- You must first enter your asking price before you can cancel the negotiations! 难道要先订出一个价格之后,才能取消交易吗?
- What is your authority for that statement? 你的说法出处何在?
- What is your attitude to abortion? 你对堕胎有什么看法?
- What is your stance on corporal punishment? 你对体罚持什么态度?
- If so, what is your minimum for me as distributor and price range? 如果是,做为经销商你们的最低量和价格范围是多少?
- Hi Jacky Can it be cheaper, what is your bottom price ? 梗可以啦。不如你还个价俾我!
- What is your purpose in doing that? 你做那件事的意图是什么?
- What is your assessment of the situation? 你对时局的看法如何?
- What is your secret for this wonderful pastry ? 你做的酥馅饼真好,有什么诀窍?
- What is your recipe for success? 你取得成功有什麽窍门?
- What is your daily intake of calories? 你每天摄取的热量是多少?
- What is your address during your stay in Britain? 你在英国逗留期间的地址是哪里?
- What is your opinion as respects the case? 你对于这件案子有什么看法?